Belief Technolab

Today Presents

12 / 60

Planned Leaves

8 Today

Unplanned Leaves

0 Today

Pending Requests


Employee Leave Type From To No of Days Reason Status Actions

Richard Miles Web Developer

Casual Leave 8 Mar 2019 9 Mar 2019 2 days Going to Hospital

John Doe Web Designer

Medical Leave 27 Feb 2019 27 Feb 2019 1 day Going to Hospital

John Smith Android Developer

LOP 24 Feb 2019 25 Feb 2019 2 days Personnal

Mike Litorus IOS Developer

Paternity Leave 13 Feb 2019 17 Feb 2019 5 days Going to Hospital

Richard Parker Web Developer

Casual Leave 30 Jan 2019 31 Jan 2019 2 days Going to Hospital

Catherine Manseau Web Developer

Maternity Leave 5 Jan 2019 15 Jan 2019 10 days Going to Hospital

Buster Wigton Web Developer

Hospitalisation 15 Jan 2019 25 Jan 2019 10 days Going to Hospital

Melita Faucher Web Developer

Casual Leave 13 Jan 2019 14 Jan 2019 2 days Going to Hospital

Tarah Shropshire Web Developer

Casual Leave 10 Jan 2019 10 Jan 2019 1 day Going to Hospital

Domenic Houston Web Developer

Casual Leave 10 Jan 2019 11 Jan 2019 2 days Going to Hospital

John Doe Web Designer

Casual Leave 9 Jan 2019 10 Jan 2019 2 days Going to Hospital

Rolland Webber Web Developer

Casual Leave 7 Jan 2019 8 Jan 2019 2 days Going to Hospital